Journal of Linguistic Anthropology: Special Issue in Honor of John J. Gumperz (free access)




Journal of Linguistic Anthropology: Special Issue in Honor of John J. Gumperz (free access)

(image) Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 23.3 (December 2013): Special Issue in Honor of John J. Gumperz. Edited by Marco Jacquemet.

"John J. Gumperz passed away on March 29, 2013. Five months earlier, already in failing health, he managed to come to the 2012 annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association to participate in a panel organized to celebrate his 91st birthday. The panel, composed by some of his closest former students and collaborators, engaged in a double movement: looking backward at Gumperz's work and contributions to assess his influence and looking forward at recent developments in the field of linguistic anthropology. All panel contributors shared Gumperz's insistence on ethnographic fieldwork, the importance of investigating communicative boundaries, and an understanding of the role asymmetrical, intergroup talk plays in legitimating power differentials" (Marco Jacquemet, "Introduction" to the special issue).

The entire issue is freely available online at the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology page.

Special Issue Table of Contents:

  • Marco Jacquemet: Introduction to the Special Issue in Honor of John J. Gumperz
  • Susan Gal: John J. Gumperz's Discourse Strategies
  • Kathryn Woolard, Aida Ribot Bencomo and Josep Soler Carbonell: What's So Funny Now? The Strength of Weak Pronouns in Catalonia
  • Jef Verschueren: Ethnography of Communication and History: A Case Study of Diplomatic Intertextuality and Ideology
  • John B. Haviland: (Mis)understanding and Obtuseness: “Ethnolinguistic Borders” in a Miniscule Speech Community
  • Monica Heller: Gumperz and Social Justice
  • Marco Jacquemet: Transidioma and Asylum: Gumperz's Legacy in Intercultural Institutional Talk
  • John J. Gumperz and Jenny Cook-Gumperz: Concluding Remarks