Summer School: Community-Driven Language Documentation (CDLD 2014) - Minde, Portugal




Summer School: Community-Driven Language Documentation (CDLD 2014) - Minde, Portugal

Date & Venue:
August 18th - 23rd, 2014 Minde, Portugal


Deadline for applications: May 31st, 2014

About the Summer School

The field of language documentation has matured over the last 15 years. With several funding initiatives running out, community-driven language documentation ensures sustainable documentation.

This summer school is designed to encourage community-driven interdisciplinary language documentation. It will bring together speakers of endangered languages, local language workers, students and researchers of linguistics and related fields. The summer school is intended to be a space for engagement and exchange between community members, language workers and students and provide an environment for learning about each other’s interests and requirements.

The curriculum is developed to be in accordance with the needs and interests of the speech communities. It aims at empowering the speech communities to participate in the definition and implementation of research projects and sensitise students of linguistic for the needs of the communities. Thus, the major goal of this summer school is to introduce the participants into the theory and methods of language documentation. The goal is to acquire the knowledge and competence to conduct one's own documentation projects with regard to endangered language.

This summer school is part of a larger event. The week before CDLD 2014 there will be another one-week summer school on Coding for Language Communities.

Topics of lectures and courses

  • Audio and video recording & processing
  • Annotations (transcription, translation, GRAID)
  • Lexicography
  • Ethnobotany
  • Ethnomusicology
  • Language maintenance and revitalization

CDLD 2014 will focus on the theory, methods and techniques of language documentation and revitalization and on their interdisciplinary character. Each day will consist of two learning sessions in the morning: one general lecture and a course lecture (seminar-like unit) that will introduce the participants to the course tutorials (practice unit) which will take place in the afternoon.

Invited lecturers

  • Ben Levine (Speaking Place, USA)
  • Dorothee Beermann (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)
  • Julia Schulz (Speaking Place, USA)
  • Ulrike Mosel (University of Kiel)

other lecturers to be announced


Participants have to apply by filling out the application form providing information on their background and interest in the area of language documentation and revitalization.

Deadline for application is May 31st, 2014.  The number of participants is limited to 30. Admission will be based on the track record and a motivational statement that are part of the application form.

Apply here:


The summer school costs 250 Euros for the whole week. The fee includes summer school materials, all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and a place to sleep.

We plan to provide scholarships for students to participate in the summer school. If possible, the scholarship will cover the fee of 250 Euros and travel costs up to 1.000 Euros. Describe in the application form why you need a scholarship.

Organizing team

  • Vera Ferreira
  • Peter Bouda
  • Rita Pedro
  • Felix Rau
  • Ingrid Scholz

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Centro Interdisciplinar de Documentação Linguística e Social / Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation
Rua do Remexido, Loja 15
2395-174 Minde - Portugal
Tel.: +351 249849123
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