Pishwa & Schulze: The Expression of Inequality in Interaction. Power, dominance, and status




Pishwa & Schulze: The Expression of Inequality in Interaction. Power, dominance, and status

(image) Pishwa, H & Schulze, R. (eds.) (2014). The Expression of Inequality in Interaction. Power, dominance, and status. John Benjamins Publishing.

In keeping with the profile of Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, this volume presents and discusses issues that are central to aspects of social inequality, power, dominance and status as expressed in discourse in its broadest sense. The volume aggregates research efforts of the past years, and it constitutes a point of departure for future studies. The contributions challenge the widespread assumption that concepts such as inequality, power, dominance and status are predetermined in discourse; the volume, including contributions by international scholars from various disciplines such as linguistics, sociology and social psychology rather emphasizes the co-constructedness of these concepts in ordinary discourse and thus advances the potential for insights into how aspects of inequality, power, dominance and status are both made and understood.

This volume has been designed to promote recent research on a classic topic, relating discursive, cognitive and social dimensions of inequality in most of the social sciences and the humanities. The volume aims at an international readership, making this book of interest to both researchers and advanced students in linguistic pragmatics, usage-based linguistics, ethnography of speaking, sociology and social psychology.

Table of Contents

The expression of inequality in interaction. Power, dominance and status: An introduction
Rainer Schulze and Hanna Pishwa

Part I. Focus on third persons
Representing inequality in language: Words as social categorizers of experience
Rainer Schulze

Sexual network partners in Tanzania: Labels, power, and the systemic muting of women’s health and identity
Jennifer Harman, Michelle R. Kaufman, Eric Aoki and Carlie D. Trott
A “rape victim” by any other name: The effects of labels on individuals’ rate-related perceptions
Jericho M. Hockett, Lora K. McGraw and Donald A. Saucier

Unveiling the phantom of the "Islamic takeover": A critical, cognitive-linguistic analysis of the discursive perpetuation of an Orientalist
Andreas Langlotz and Danièle Klapproth Muazzin

Power eliciting elements at the semantic-pragmatic interface: Data from cyberbullying and virtual character assassination attempts
Konstanze Marx
Part II. Focus on speaker/author
Powerless language: Hedges as cues for interpersonal functions
Hanna Pishwa

A true authoritarian type: How fonts can facilitate positive opinions for powerful groups
John Donahue

We and I, and you and them : People, power and solidarity
Anita Fetzer

Language, normativity and power: The discursive construction of objectophilia
Heiko Motschenbacher

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