Sociolinguistic Studies Volume. 6, Issue 2 (2012)




Sociolinguistic Studies Volume. 6, Issue 2 (2012)


Sociolinguistic Studies
Volume 6, Issue 2 (2012)


Normativity and change: introduction to the special issue on agency and power in multilingual discourse, pp 105-208
Ad Backus and Massimiliano Spotti

English 'on top': discourse functions of English resources in the German mediascape, pp 209-238
Jannis Androutsopoulos

When modern public space encounters a postmodern migration: abnormality and the making of migrant identities, pp 239-257
Jie Dong

Multimodality and audiences: local languaging in the Gambian linguistic landscape, pp 259-284
Kasper Juffermans

Empowering a migrant identity: agency in narratives of a work experience in Norway, pp 285-307
Elizabeth Lanza

Processes and practices of enregisterment of business English, participation and power in a multilingual workplace, pp 309-331
Tiina Räisänen

"I am not a qualified dialect rapper": constructing hip-hop authenticity in China, pp 333-372
Xuan Wang

Book Reviews

Language use in the Two-Way classroom: Lessons from a Spanish-English bilingual kindergarten. Renée DePalma (2010) Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Pp. 202. ISBN 9781847693006
Reviewed by Judith Ansó Ros

La transmissió familiar del valencià. Brauli Montoya Abat y Antoni Mas i Miralles (2011) Col·lecció Recerca 16. Valencia: Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua. Pp. 445. ISBN 9788448256913
Reviewed by Judith Ansó Ros

Vår fonetiska geografi. Om svenskans accenter, melodi och uttal. Gösta Bruce (2010) Lund: Studentlitteratur. Pp. 239. ISBN 9144050534
Reviewed by Ilpo Kempas