Master's Degree in Advanced English Studies, Universitat de València




Master's Degree in Advanced English Studies, Universitat de València

(image) The Master’s Degree in Advanced English Studies is a one-year Postgraduate course designed to train students for the multidisciplinary, specialised study of English linguistics, literature and culture. This course responds to the demands of contemporary societies, in particular, demands connected with greater research efforts and professional training related to the advanced knowledge of the English language.

The course introduces the latest relevant theories, methods and analyses concerning the English language, and therefore meets the need for continuing education among professionals – in/outside the academic world - in the field of English studies. The course is structured into three compulsory modules totalling 60 credits. The methodological module includes instruction on research methods and the writing and presentation of academic papers (9 credits); the central module includes a range of 3-credit specialised subjects, while the last module comprises the writing of a master’s dissertation (9 credits) under the guidance of a supervisor. Thus, this course aims to prepare experts and researchers of excellence, who will be able to draw from their learning and transfer their knowledge to applied, neighbouring fields like Teaching English language and linguistics, Teaching the literatures and cultural contexts of English-speaking countries, Researching English language, linguistics, literature and culture of English-Speaking countries, Edition and translation in the field of English studies, Advice on policies on language planning, and Advice and mediation in intercultural, multilingual contexts.