Arpacik, Cioè-Peña & Kinsella (Polesinelli & Rodríguez) (eds.): Linguistic diversity, equity and pedagogical innovation in higher education




Arpacik, Cioè-Peña & Kinsella (Polesinelli & Rodríguez) (eds.): Linguistic diversity, equity and pedagogical innovation in higher education

(image) Special Editors: D. Arpacik, M. Cioè-Peña & B. Kinsella  (with M. Polesinelli & E. Rodríguez). "Linguistic diversity, equity and pedagogical innovation in higher education", Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature (BJTLLL), May/June 2016

This monograph will report on the results of a series of case studies conducted across several campuses of the City University of New York within a university-sponsored project entitled Futures Initiative (FI). The FI project advocates for greater equity and innovation in higher education through several actions, including research and student and teacher development initiatives. In this monograph, the authors of the contributions came together in an interdisciplinary doctoral seminar on educational language policy, which was chosen to take on an active role in the FI project. The seminar was led by Dr. Ofelia García and Dr. Carmina Makar.

Table of contents

 Special Editor(s)
Special Issue Editors’ Notes: Linguistic diversity, equity and pedagogical innovation in higher education - Benjamin Kinsella, María Cioè-Peña, Demet Arpacik
Invited Authors
Uncovering Language Policy in Higher Education: Reflections from the Classroom - Carmina Makar
Kurdish Language Class in New York: A Platform for Social, Political and (Inter)personal Engagement - Renata Archanjo, Demet Arpacik
The Burden of ‘Nativeness’: Four Plurilingual Student-Teachers’ Stories - María Cioè-Peña, Emilee Moore, Luisa Martín Rojo
From Marginality to Mattering: Linguistic Practices, Pedagogies and Diversities at a Community-Serving Senior College - Hannah Göppert, Andrea Springirth
“Broken Arabic” and Ideologies of Completeness: Contextualizing the Category of Native and Heritage Speaker in the University Arabic Classroom - Stephanie V. Love
Ideology, Access, and Status: Spanish-English Bilinguals in the Foreign-Language Classroom - Michael E. Rolland
Book Reviews
Being a Teacher | Researcher. A Primer on Doing Authentic Inquiry Research on Teaching and Learning, by Konstantinos Alexakos (2015) - Nathaly González
An Interview with Dr. Ofelia García on the Past, Present and Future of Language Policy - Benjamin Kinsella
